About this course

This course covers the basics of transistor design and applications. Topics: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to do the following: Define the term transistor and give a brief description of its construction and operation. Explain how the transistor can be used to amplify a signal. Name the four classes of amplifiers and give an explanation for each. List the three different transistor circuit configurations and explain their operation. Identify the different types of transistors by their symbology and alphanumerical designations. List the precautions to be taken when working with transistors and describe ways to test them. Explain the meaning of the expression "integrated circuits." Give a brief description on how integrated circuits are constructed and the advantages they offer over conventional transistor circuits. Name the two types of circuit boards. State the purpose and function of modular circuitry. Publication Source: US Dept. of Energy

5 hours
Certificate of completion
Beginner level
No prerequisites
No preparation required
1 year access
Published At Apr 27, 2022
Updated At Jun 19, 2024


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