The geothermal energy potential beneath our feet is vast. This tremendous resource amounts to 50,000 times the energy of all oil and gas resources in the world. Geothermal energy is a clean and ever-renewable source of energy representing a promising solution for the world, as the concern over global warming, pollution, and the unpredictable availability of fossil fuels looms in the near future.
Topics: Overview of the DOE Geothermal Technologies Program Future Research and Development Future Market Needs Getting to Know Enhanced Geothermal Systems The Raft River Project - Coming On-Line in Idaho GeoPowering the West Initiative Progresses New Policies Having Favorable Impact on Geothermal Development Intended Audience: This course is intended for Geotechnical, Civil, Construction, Hydraulic Structural, Foundations, and other engineers whose job description may require a basic knowledge of geothermal energy-generating systems. Publication Source: US Dept. of Energy