About this course
Geophysical surveying is an applied branch of geophysics, which uses seismic, gravitational, magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic physical methodologies at the Earth’s surface to measure the physical properties of the subsurface. Geophysical surveying methods generally measure these geophysical properties along with anomalies in order to evaluate various subsurface conditions such as the existence of groundwater, bedrock, minerals, oil and gas, geothermal resources, voids and cavities, and much more. Topics: Geophysical properties Exploration, engineering & environmental geophysics Types of geophysical surveys Seismology, reflection seismology, seismic refraction, seismic tomography Seismoelectrical method Geodesy and gravitational surveys: gravity anomaly, gravimetry, gravity gradiometry Magnetic surveying: magnetometers, aeromagnetic survey, magnetotellurics (GPR) ground penetrating radar (TEM/TDEM) transient time-domain electromagnetics (MRS) magnetic resonance sounding Electrical resistivity tomography, (IP) Induced Polarization, (SP) Spontaneous Potential Borehole Geophysics (well logging), and remote sensing Geological analysis, UXO locating, hydrogeological applications Oil, mining, mineral exploration Environmental, geothermal, and marine applications Geotechnical engineering Dam and levee integrity studies Landfill boundaries, contaminant plumes, USTs, cavities and voids, archaeology Intended Audience: This course is intended for Petroleum, Geotechnical, Civil, Environmental, Water Resources, and other engineers whose job description requires a general knowledge of geophysical surveying principles and applications. Publication Source: Original Courseware by Donald W. Parnell, PE
This course includes:
schedule5 hours on-demand content
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Apr 28, 2022
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorNo prerequisites
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At May 3, 2022